What are the key roles in the Scrum methodology?

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What are the key roles in the Scrum methodology?

Post by sohanuzzaman53 »

As an extension of the strategic side, each team needs to define specific roles for a complete scrum experience.

Attack Master

The Scrum Master focuses on the process rather than the content of a project. They take on a somewhat advisory role by attending meetings to ensure the team adheres to the scrum project management methodology. The Scrum Master will also help by removing any barriers to progress, such as poor communication strategies or poor use of collaboration practices.

Project owner

The Project Owner plays more of a traditional project usa numbers list management role, but adheres to the scrum methodology. They define project goals, objectives, and priorities, and monitor performance to ensure the team is meeting expected standards.


Product Manager

Similar to the Project Owner, the Product Manager helps prioritize items in the product backlog and oversees quality control. However, the manager goes further than the owner by defining and managing the overall product vision rather than the project itself.

Team members

This isn’t rocket science – team members are the ones doing the work, sharing their progress, and delivering iterations throughout the sprint.

Other stakeholders

Other stakeholders include anyone who is affected by the project in any way. Classic examples include investors, users, shareholders, partners, and senior management. Depending on the scope of the project, some of these other stakeholders will be invited to provide feedback and suggestions to the Project Owner and team, and will often be involved in the sprint review.
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