It is no different in the real estate market, and it is possible to saudi arabia cell phone number how professionals with a high degree of emotional intelligence achieve better results.

Types of Intelligence
What is emotional intelligence?
The importance of emotional intelligence in the job market
Emotional intelligence in the real estate market
Consultative sales and emotional intelligence
Storytelling to sell ideas
How to develop emotional intelligence
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Emotional Intelligence
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Types of Intelligence
Emotional intelligence: 6 wooden dolls next to each other.
When we judge someone by their intellectual capacity, we usually give them two options: “this person is intelligent” or “this person is not intelligent”. However, proving that this is not such an objective question, psychology has created mechanisms to measure the Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and, more recently, the Emotional Quotient (EQ) and define, in numbers, whether someone is more or less intelligent rationally or emotionally.
The demand for people with different skills in the job market and the advances in studies on intelligence have led us to discover that intelligence is even more abstract and plural than we imagined. Furthermore, having only two options to define someone's intelligence seems quite unlikely.
Today, there is a theory of Multiple Intelligences that describes 8 types of intelligence and groups people with similar skills. Emotional intelligence, now so valued in the job market, groups characteristics of some of the types of intelligence described by the theory.
What is emotional intelligence?
In short, emotional intelligence is a set of 3 skills:
Recognize and differentiate emotions in yourself and others;
Consult and understand your emotions before making decisions.
In practice, it refers to a series of skills that facilitate intra and interpersonal relationships.
Daniel Goleman, author of the book “Emotional Intelligence: The Revolutionary Theory That Redefines What It Means to Be Smart” subdivides these skills and describes 5 pillars:
Control of emotions
Social relations
With a brief reading about each of these pillars, we can already understand how developing these habits helps improve performance in the job market.
The importance of emotional intelligence in the job market
Emotional intelligence: image of a woman in a meditation position with some papers flying around.
You may have heard of soft skills. To fill a position, you need to have specific technical knowledge (hard skills). Nowadays, you need to go further. Developing emotional intelligence to be able to solve problems is an example.
More focused on the job market, soft skills are behavioral characteristics. Emotional intelligence is one of the soft skills, along with others such as leadership and communication.