2.- Evaluate the results of your actions

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2.- Evaluate the results of your actions

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

The performance report will be populated with your campaign traffic data from your Google Analytics account and the UTM you specified.

Marketing Calendar - Results
This way, all your team members involved in the campaign can access the performance results and adjust future plans based on those results.

This feature also allows you to easily share your results with your superiors or clients.

Simplify your marketing team's collaboration
Have you ever missed a deadline or had a project fail because you or your teammates weren't on the same page?

Marketing Calendar is designed to prevent you from making that mistake again.

Invite your colleagues to work on a unified calendar
Now it's time to give your colleagues access to your marketing calendar.

If you have a paid SEMrush subscription, you can share your calendar with an unlimited number of people who have a free SEMrush account.

To do so, click on the "Invite members" button in the top right corner and enter your colleagues' email addresses so they can receive an invitation.

Marketing calendar - invitation
As soon as your teammates have accepted the invitation, they will be able to add their new email list providers in germany activities and tasks or edit any existing items on the calendar whenever they want.

If you're using our Business plan, you can share your calendar with read-only access.

Sharing is automatic and responsive in real time, so your team is always as up to date as you are.

Assign tasks to your colleagues and track their completion level
Once you have the tasks written in your plan, you simply assign it to a team member who will receive a notification in their email inbox and also within the Marketing Calendar.

Marketing calendar - assign tasks

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