The e-book is customized to the user’s position and goals

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The e-book is customized to the user’s position and goals

Post by sumona »

In the “Complete Guide to Interactive Content,” we use various animation and interactivity resources to capture readers’ attention. Customized content Customization is becoming increasingly important for marketers. “It can reduce acquisition costs by up to 50%, increase revenue by 5–15%, and increase marketing spend efficiency by 10–30%.” — McKinsey Telerik, a global software development company, leveraged Ion’s logic capabilities to deliver content to its different personas.

With a qualifying question asked at the beginning. Lead generation Gated e-books telecommunications email list are an excellent way to capture information about your readers, initially sparking their interest in your content. In a co-marketing partnership with Magalu, we created the “Guide: How to Use Social Networks to Boost Sales.” This interactive e-book was developed from an existing PDF, and of the five chapters, we chose to leave only the first unlocked, aiming to encourage content conversion.

Hand raised After finishing reading an e-book, the lead may be ready to take the next step in the purchasing process. Therefore, adding some kind of form at the end can be a great opportunity to make them raise a hand and ask for more of what you have to offer. Analysis Interactive e-books can collect valuable data from their readers to help you with company goals and future insights.
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