With all this, how to get industrial clients? Based on our experience as Industrial Marketing and Sales Consultants, we give you our vision below.
1/ Define who might need you the most, locate them and work on them with a lot of patience
95% of industrial customers are not currently thinking about how to get australia whatsapp number incorporating a new supplier. This means that reaching the 5% who might be considering it requires a lot of proactivity and prior planning, taking into account .

So, knowing that I'm going to have to proactively invest time, money and effort over a long period of time to bide my time, the question becomes, where am I going to be most likely to be needed?
This is the first consideration to work on when thinking about how to get industrial clients; “landing” that potential client in practice and above all understanding my chances of success compared to others beyond price and product.
Starting with a major team exercise in industrial b2b customer segmentation based on current criteria (sales, margin, etc.), future criteria (brand, markets, etc.) and even subjective criteria (affinity, proactivity, etc.) is essential to increase the chances of success.