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Infinite Scrolling: The Truth About the New Trend.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:35 am
by siam00
Everyone has visited their favorite resources at least once – Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram – in search of interesting news and hung out there for days on end. It seemed that there was no end to the information. Sound familiar? We present to your attention – infinite scrolling. A successful trend in the field of online marketing and web design? It is worth understanding and deciding whether there is a need to change the design of your business website and implement this mechanism or leave the “workhorse” alone.

What is infinite scrolling?
Fierce competition forces to fight for every user. Due to the australia email address list risk of losing their clients, various projects are forced to collect and retain an audience by any available means. This is how infinite scrolling gained wide popularity. However, what is good for one is not necessarily good for another.


Infinite scrolling is a design solution that allows information to be displayed in an endless stream as you move down the screen. No more “Read more” and “Next page” buttons, no more unnecessary clicks, the page loads automatically as soon as the user finishes reading the previous post or news item. It is assumed that such an interface is more convenient to use and less demanding in technical terms, which is undoubtedly very important for mobile devices.

So, is infinite scrolling a way out of the situation on the way to retaining resource clients or a failure during implementation?

Business website design and endless scrolling. Pros and cons.

On our website we use infinite scrolling (works are smoothly loaded as you scroll the page) in the PORTFOLIO section only when you select a specific category of works. When opening a page with all works, the user will see pagination. By the way, as you may have noticed, our website design has already changed .

Let's look at the advantages.
Scrolling is ideal for resources that provide the user with information that is easy to perceive, whether it is short messages, photos or news reviews. It is possible to quickly study the content and scroll through page after page in search of something sensitive or shocking.

Ease of use, retention of user attention, easy navigation, support for mobile devices, the ability to download large amounts of information, online data updates.

The continuous supply of information creates the impression of an endless stream, which you just want to dive into. And access to the resource from any device allows you to stay up to date with events around the clock.

If your goal is simply to introduce the user to the content and there is no need to perform additional actions on the page, infinite scrolling will allow you to retain the visitor and increase the session time. For the design of your business website, this can be a great solution. However, do not rush, every coin has two sides.

Let's talk about the disadvantages.
Infinite scrolling is not suitable for all web resources and depends on the type of content and its goals. Commercial sites and sites for searching for special products or services risk losing their users due to the complexity of navigation. Such resources should be simple, convenient and easy to use. The visitor should not forget about the purpose for which he came to your site - to make a purchase, find and choose a service or work. Excessive complications can only confuse, lead to loss of interest.

Limited terms of use, difficult navigation, no footnotes and headers, no choice, impact on search engine optimization, loss of perception of important information.

Endless scrolling does not allow you to study a large amount of information, immerse yourself in it and get to know in depth exactly its important and necessary part. There is no way to make bookmarks and, therefore, quickly find the necessary data a second time.

This mechanism has a negative impact on SEO optimization . The loss of the concepts of "Page 1", "Page 2" can lead to the resource simply not being displayed in search engines, which will make it virtually invisible to users.

To work with infinite scrolling, you will also need to use an additional script, along with the standard ones. Those who like to place data at the end of the page will have to give it up and look for a place for contact information elsewhere.

As you can see, scrolling has a number of its own difficulties. It is not a panacea, however, and you should not abandon this mechanism so quickly. You need to determine the main goal of your resource, and decide whether you are offering a product or content.

So here are some implementation tips:
Develop a backup plan for how information is displayed on the page. This will allow the resource to be used from different devices and with different technical capabilities.
Avoid using a scroll bar to avoid creating the illusion that the page is finished while it is loading over and over again.
Use hybrid scrolling and stop points. This will allow you to load data on the page up to a certain limit and will split the entire flow into several independent parts, which will make the site visible in search engines.
So is it worth changing the design of a business website and implementing this mechanism?
There is no right and unambiguous answer here. To solve it, you need to determine the purpose and type of the project being implemented. Thoughtless implementation of trends can lead to a banal loss of users. There must be a balance in everything. Remember, the main thing is for the client to be comfortable and good. Put yourself in the client's shoes and evaluate your resource - a corporate website or a business card site from the point of view of convenience.

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