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Track Email Reads and Link Clicks with Bitrix24 CRM Marketing

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:34 am
by sohanuzzaman53
Did you know that you can actually track email reads and link clicks when working with email campaigns in Bitrix24 CRM ?

Track email reads and link clicks – use this option to find out how many customers read your email and who clicked on your links.
Opt in to receive newsletters – use this option to send opt-in emails to your customers. Before you send your first mailing, customers who have not yet signed up will receive an email asking them to opt in to the mailings.

Track email reads and link clicks in CRM marketing
When working with email campaigns in CRM- Marketing germany phone number list free you can configure the following options:

Track email reads and link clicks – use this option to find out how many customers read your email and who clicked on your links.
NOTE: Some countries have restrictions on tracking email reads and link clicks, so this option will be disabled by default for such countries.

Opt in to receive newsletters – use this option to send opt-in emails to your customers. Before you send your first mailing, customers who have not yet signed up will receive an email asking them to opt in to the mailings.
NOTE : To protect users from unwanted emails and increase customer loyalty to your brand, we use opt-in for emails. In some countries, this feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled due to local laws.


How to enable tracking of email reads, link clicks and opt-in to newsletter options?
To enable the options, go to CRM Marketing > More > Settings .

How to enable tracking of email reads, link clicks and opt-in to newsletter options?

Scroll down the page and open the options.

How to enable tracking of email reads, link clicks and opt-in to newsletter options?

IMPORTANT: You can also enable the Track email reads and Require newsletter approval options for a specific email campaign. To do this, click More in the mail settings and enable the options.

How to enable tracking of email reads, link clicks and opt-in to newsletter options?
More Tabs

How to enable tracking of email reads, link clicks and opt-in to newsletter options?
Set Up Campaign

How does email tracking work?
Once you enable the option, data will start to be collected. You can find the information in the Statistics column.

How does email tracking work?

To see detailed campaign statistics, click Views or Clicks .

How does email tracking work?
View Clicks

How does email tracking work?
Campaign Statistics

In the Recipients tab, you can track the status of the campaign: who received the email, read it, and clicked on the link.

How does email tracking work?
Recipient Tab

How does email tracking work?

How does consent to receive newsletters work?
After you enable the option to Request newsletter confirmation, you will need to select Consent to receive the newsletter from the list. In Bitrix24 you can choose a typical confirmation text or send an email with your own text.

How does consent to receive newsletters work?
Mandatory Approval

When you send out your first newsletter, customers will receive an email inviting them to sign up. If users agree to receive mailings, a promotional mailing will follow the technical mailing.

Newsletters that you send through CRM marketing will only be sent to customers who have agreed to receive them. You can find all permissions in the Received permissions list .