General direction
There is an even stronger sign that unites elements than color, shape or size. It is movement, and not only literal, but also visual. Objects that can be said to be moving will always stand out among the motionless. The effect is greatly enhanced in the case of synchronization in direction and speed.
The principle of general direction in web design is usually used when creating functional animation (for example, when scrolling to highlight specific parts of the text), as well as to focus the user's attention on some element.
This is one of the most famous principles of Gestalt. Only the lazy have not heard that our perception strives for a holistic and complete image, and if the initial data contains any gaps, the brain immediately "completes" the missing details. As soon as the familiar outlines of a figure appear, the mechanism of its recognition is immediately launched.
By the way, gestalt in design also strives for completion. It is especially mexico phone number lookup convenient to use this principle in cases where limited space needs to be filled with information as much as possible, for example, to develop the interface of a mobile version of a site.

Symmetrical elements are always perceived as related, despite the distance between them. This principle is easily traced in the design of the site: highlighting menu items or pages with text. However, if there are too many symmetrical objects, this can tire visitors and distract their attention.
The opposite effect – asymmetry – also has a powerful influence on visual perception, focusing users' attention on certain details.
Figure and ground
Our perception is able to accurately distinguish a figure from the main background, even when it comes to 2D images. The fact is that visually there are always two plans: near and far. The human brain, determining which of them is more important, kind of gives a hint as to what exactly needs to be responded to.
UX designers use this principle when they place pop-ups or banners on a website. To enhance the effect, they use additional techniques: a background, blurring the background, or darkening.
If objects are located along one line, being a continuation of each other, they will be perceived by our brain as a single whole. The principle of continuity can be successfully used when developing navigation on a website or in the process of creating a complex menu. There is no need to invent complex dividers. It is enough to place groups of objects on different lines, as it immediately becomes clear that they are not connected with each other.
Gestalt plays an important role in the design of selling websites. With its help, you can manage the visual perception of users and create intuitive interfaces, and, if necessa