Social proof in emails: the secret to gaining your readers'

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Social proof in emails: the secret to gaining your readers'

Post by asimd21 »

What do you do when you're thinking about watching a movie that's just come out but you don't know if you'll like it?

You go to Google, search for “ moviename + Filmaffinity” and look at the reviews.

If they trash the movie, at the very least, you'll think twice before spending a fortune on the ticket.

And the opposite: if the majority says it's a masterpiece, you rush out to see it.

That's how it is.

Even if you are one of those who claim that you don't care about other people's opinions (myself included), knowing that someone before us has tried that "something" that we are about to pay for, and that they liked it, gives us an extra bit of confidence.

I'm not the one saying it, it's a psychological phenomenon that has been studied extensively: it's called " social proof . "

And the higher the price, the more important this social proof becomes.

That is why, when we sell a service or a product with emails, it is so important to include testimonials from other clients, success stories, statistics…

You may already know this, but what you may not be so clear about is:

The different ways to use social proof in your emails.
How to write emails with social job seekers data proof that aren't just a bunch of dull testimonials.
I'm going to explain all that to you in this post.

In addition, I am going to give you real examples of my emails so that you can refer to them.


Don't let it be said that I'm not making it easy for you.

5 types of social proof you can use in your emails
First of all, let's clarify what we are talking about.

In marketing, social proof is giving a potential customer evidence that your product or service has worked for other people in their same situation.

The goal is to make the person who is considering hiring you think, “ Okay, if it worked for all these people, then it’s very possible it will work for me too .”

The most typical example is customer testimonials.

But that's just one example: we have a ton of ways to use social proof (a funnel doesn't live on testimonials alone ).

I'll explain them to you.
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