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Google Analytics Audit - Web Property Account Views

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:40 am
by Md5656se
If you want to get aggregated information (web plus landing page), then you will need a single web property.
If you want to have both aggregated information and specific information about the corporate website, on the one hand, and the landing page on the other, then you will need to choose to have three web properties.
In any case, my recommendation is that you invest in a good measurement plan that responds to the information needs of your business.

At the account and web property level, setup is usually very simple.

Views, on the other hand, contain the most complex configuration and are where the philippine cp number information is actually stored.

Depending on how you configure the view, the information may vary.

Good practices in Google Analytics recommend having at least one view where all the information is stored without any configuration, where the raw information of the website will be found.

This is because some of the settings collect data from the moment they are activated, with no possibility of knowing the data from previous periods.

In the following image, the Raw Data View, where the data is stored in raw form, will act as a backup, allowing you to view that information not collected in the configured view :

Therefore, within the Google Analytics audit process that you are carrying out for your business, make sure you have a structure where, at a minimum, you have the following:

A view where you have all the data (in the example, it is called Raw Data View, although you can name it whatever you want).
Other views where you can configure your business. How many will you need? Depending on the needs you have defined to respond to your measurement plan.
4.- Activate the time zone in your view settings
By default, when you create a new Google Analytics account, the time zone is set to Asia Pacific.

This information is what you will later use to analyze the data over a period of time.


Additionally, this information also determines the number of sessions you will see in your Google Analytics reports per day.

Remember the criteria that GA follows to define, by default, that a session ends:

If a person spends more than 30 minutes without interacting but with the website open, Google Analytics ends the visit.
When a person reaches the website through two different channels (except when it is direct traffic), Analytics counts it as two different visits, even if they are within the same 30 minutes. For example: via Facebook ad and via Adwords ad.
When the day ends, at 0:00:00. Hence the importance of keeping this information up to date.
Therefore, in the audit it is advisable to check that the Google Analytics view is in your time zone, since it will determine which time slots are the busiest or most convenient for our activity.

You can review this in the Administration section, in the Google Analytics views configuration section.

The correct time zone for a website operating in the Iberian