Below, we invite you to take a simple and practical journey to improve the optimization of your website with Google Analytics.
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Web analytics and SEO positioning
Web Analytics refers to the measurement and analysis of data to inform and gain a real understanding of user behavior on websites:
Audience data: Number of visits, unique users, type of device…
Audience behaviour: Most visited australia email address list pages, time spent on pages, bounce rate…
Data on the campaigns carried out: Campaigns that generated the most traffic, keyword searches that resulted in a visit, etc.
SEO positioning refers to the strategies and techniques that a website can use to rank as high as possible in search engines . Always following the criteria and rules set by Google. Keywords, responsive designs, security, high-quality content...
The vast majority of SEO actions that we develop and implement can be measured and quantified using Google Analytics, taking into account three fundamental concepts.

Web traffic
Web traffic is a representation of users visiting a website. Web traffic is measured in visits, also called sessions, and is a common way to analyze a business's effectiveness in attracting an audience .
There are different types of web traffic , but two are truly significant for SEO:
Organic traffic:
The number of visitors coming directly from a search engine's search results . This is the most important traffic as it is directly linked to the website's positioning in the SERPs.
Referral Traffic:
Referral traffic tells us about visitors who accessed our website from sources external to a search engine, in this case a link from another page .