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How to apply it on your sales pages

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:23 am
by asimd21
I have racked my brain a lot to write this post.

A lot.

And you'll say: " Come on, Mila, it won't be that bad. AIDA is a simple formula ."


Poor fool, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into.

The first thing you need to be clear about is this:

Unlike others such as PAS, PASTOR or PPP, AIDA is much more than a copywriting formula.

It's a technique.

A method.

AIDA is a reflection of the mental journey a customer follows when making a purchase.

And in this post I explain it in detail.

Here I'm going to tell you:

What AIDA really is.
How to apply it to chinese overseas europe data your sales pages to make them convert more.
Note: Bring something to take notes with, you'll need it.


AIDA in copywriting: what is AIDA really?
Although we know it today as a formula, AIDA was not born linked to copywriting.

The concept “AIDA” was created by an American publicist named Elias St. Elmo Lewis (what a name) in 1898.

Their goal was to create a model that reflected all the stages a person goes through:

Since you come into contact with a particular brand.
Until you decide to buy one of your products or services.
Come on, AIDA is a reflection of the sales funnel.

Specifically, Lewis defined 4 phases that a customer goes through. I'm sure you already know which ones I'm referring to, right?

Attention : the person realizes that you exist and that you have a product or service that can solve their need.
Interest: They learn about your solution and begin to consider it as a possible option.
Desire: This is where people move from being interested in your product or service to wanting to buy it.
Action: Finally, he takes the step and ends up buying from you.
“ Okay, Mila, but… what does all this have to do with the AIDA formula and copywriting ?”

Gosh, how impatient.

That's what I was going to explain to you now.