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Idealista and its automated email marketing

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:18 am
by alomgirhossain212
Success stories: companies that successfully implemented inbound marketing and automation to capture leads

Amazon, one of the best examples of how to automate inbound mark philippines whatsapp number eting
E-commerce giant Amazon is one of the best examples to look at when it comes to automating content recommendations on the website itself . A large part of the sales of this popular marketplace come from automating and personalizing product recommendations, making items purchased by other customers with similar histories appear. But not only that, the company also suggests items to its customers related to their recent purchases.


The real estate portal Idealista is committed to sending emails to its subscribers, warning them of price increases or decreases in properties in which they have shown interest. To do this, they save the data of the apartments that users have viewed and schedule the sending of emails based on them. And all this is possible thanks to the fact that they are equipped with good management and automation software.

Hunter Engineering and its automated chat
This company sells products in the engineering sector and noticed that they needed to improve the B2B relationship with their customers. They detected that many of the users who entered their website did so to make enquiries and resolve some doubts. For this reason, they decided to implement a live chatbot that would answer frequently