Precisely because it moves on multiple levels, its professionalism is often “confused” with two others: that of UX content strategy and UX writer . The first, in particular, represents a more strategic figure because the professional designs the user's navigation, optimizing its usability. The second figure, instead, is based on the construction of texts (and microtexts) that are inserted within the structure, to improve the user's stay on the website, responding to his needs and leading him to perform the desired action.
The content designer, on the other hand, is the first bulgaria number data figure encountered in this process of conceiving the hierarchy of content and the structure of web pages. Use data (Analytics first and foremost) to understand how users will interact with the site, to then design a page that offers users the answers they are looking for, what are the strategic positions to insert, for example, a CTA button or a quote) and find an effective and attractive way to communicate , creating simple proposals that connect people's needs with the services offered by the company.
The result? Highlighting the service or product and at the same time offering a complete browsing experience , respecting both the visual and textual part. Closely related to this topic, you can find a lot of content in our blog on the theme of “landing page”, you can read it here: because any page can be a landing page for users, therefore content design is in fact the basic concept that leads to modelling and composing these pages which are so crucial for a business.