You'll need this data later in this tutorial, so you'll want to make a copy lebanon phone number somewhere safe or download the CSV file directly. Or, keep this browser window open and return to it later.
You will now see a message stating that you have successfully created the user
Step 2: Switch Amazon Web Services to production mode
By default, your Amazon SES account runs in sandbox mode. This restricted mode allows you to send emails only to verified email addresses and is designed to prevent spammers from abusing the system.
If you want to send email to anyone, you need to submit a request to switch from sandbox mode to production mode. The first step is to visit the AWS support page to create a new case.
Start by filling in the case details. Amazon will use your responses to ensure you are not spam.
Leave the restriction type as "SES Service Limit" and select "Transactional" as the message type. In the Website URL field, you need to enter your website address.
House details
The next section is titled "Describe in detail how you will send only to recipients who specifically request your mailings." Here, you need to share some details about the email sending process.
For example, you might say that you only send site notifications to site administrators, or that you only send mail to people who have filled out a form on your site.
House details
You'll then be asked to "detail the process you will follow when receiving bounce emails and complaint notifications."
For example, you can state that the "Force from email" setting in WP Mail SMTP will send all bounce notifications to a specified email address.
Next, you need to scroll down to the requests section. Start by selecting the same Region as when you set up your AWS account. This should be the area closest to where the site server is located.