Touch or deep insight. Plus, users are showing they’re not ready to jump ship from traditional search engines just yet. A perfect example is people opting out of the generative AI features in Google. Despite all the hype around AI, many users still prefer the reliability and familiarity of standard search results. They trust the balance of human editorial judgment and algorithmic efficiency that traditional search engines offer.
So, while AI is a powerful tool and a great supplement, it’s not going to replace search freight forwarders brokers email lists engines. Instead, it’ll more likely work alongside them, enhancing our search experience without taking over completely. What About OpenAI’s Approach to Safety Issues? Well, that doesn’t seem to be going too well. Jan Leike, a safety researcher who co-led the Superalignment team, resigned after having expressed concerns about OpenAI’s approach to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).
His co-leader, Ilya Sutskever, had already left hours earlier but sounded a bit more optimistic, saying, “The company’s trajectory has been nothing short of miraculous, and I’m confident that OpenAI will build AGI that is both safe and beneficial.” The Superalignment team’s page mentions AI dangers, including human extinction, if AI is not supervised and controlled. Are we in a sci-fi movie or what? The fact is, this group seems important, and it’s falling apart.