Ebooks An ebook is a great way to offer even more knowledge that doesn’t quite fit in a blog post. Length can be as long or as short as you want, but these are great for longer form content, content that requires more design to understand, and more. Here’s an example of an ebook’s call-to-action within a blog post. lead generation content upgrade email ebooks If you’re not sure how to make an ebook, starting with an outline and an ebook template is a great way to dive in.
17. Free trials , or into the premium version of your product, for a limited time. Even if you have a free version, giving them access to all the bells and whistles can be a great denmark business email database way to convert users to paying customers even quicker. Here’s a great example of Leadpages offering a free 14-day trial to their blog readers.
lead generation content upgrade free trials You don’t even have to get as fancy as all that. Check out this quick free trial content upgrade from a Leadfeeder blog post. lead generation content upgrade leadfeeder trail This can be a great way to increase lead generation and generate more customers all at the same time. Win-win, right? Increase your business’s lead generation Using a combination of these 17 types of content upgrades is a great way to ramp up your lead generation efforts.