We still need to speak to that motivation, especially during these times of crisis. I'm using these search queries to start to identify patterns and trends. Then, I bucket these into interests based on our target audience at Leadfeeder. For example, right now, we know consumer behavior is changing. People are shopping online. People are buying more household goods, and more and more are working from home.
It's no surprise that sites like The Daily Burn and Health.com are starting to see a significant spike in organic traffic. Here's a look at their organic traffic increases over the last two months. marketing coronavirus egypt business email database search trends While other sites like Forbes are beginning to see a slight drop in organic traffic. We also see search engines adapt to their different strategies. Bing and Google have both rolled out new interactive search results features, specific to the Coronavirus search.
And, different types at Schema have rolled out. Schema like special announcements for things, like if your schools are closed or if quarantine guidelines. And, they have activated COVID testing facilities as well as an even attendance mode. As Andy discussed last week in a webinar, we see a lot of events move from offline to online. Brands can use this Schema data to tell users that your event is now online.