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Limitations of Messaging

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:32 am
by Dimaeiya323
The purpose of messaging limits is to define the maximum number of business conversations that can be initiated by a particular phone number in a 24-hour period.

A business-initiated conversation begins when the first message template is sent to a customer and automatically expires 24 hours later. Businesses with an unverified WhatsApp Business account can initiate up to 250 conversations during this period.

In contrast, verified businesses that have a business phone number with an approved display name are allowed to engage in conversations with a varying number of unique customers during that 24-hour period. The numbers vary as follows:

1,000 unique customers

10,000 unique customers

100,000 unique customers

Unlimited number of unique customers

WhatsApp unique customers

Every time a business starts a new conversation with a unique customer, WhatsApp determines whether the number of messages it can send should be increased. The following criteria are used to make the decision whether to increase a brand’s message sending limit to more than 1,000 messages in 24 hours, which is what all businesses start with:

The status of the company phone number is “Connected”

The company's phone number quality rating is average or high (we'll see how th investors email lists is rating is calculated soon).

The company has used at least half of its current messaging limit with work-related conversations in the last 7 days.

If a business’s recent activity meets all of these conditions, WhatsApp Business Platform will allow them to increase their messaging limit by one level within 24 hours. Of course, if your quality score drops to a low level or your phone number status changes, your messaging limit will also be reduced accordingly.

WhatsApp limit increase

Quality Scores and Paused Templates
The quality rating of your message templates is based on how they were received by recipients over the past week. The rating is calculated based on usage, customer feedback, and user signals, such as who chooses to block messages from a brand and the reasons they give for doing so.

When a message template is active, its rating appears in the WhatsApp Business Platform manager. Message quality is color-coded and looks like this:

Active - Quality Pending (highlighted in green)

Active - High Quality (highlighted in green)

Active - Medium quality (highlighted in yellow)

Active - Low Quality (highlighted in red)

If a message template moves to the "Active - Low Quality" status (the lowest possible score), it will be automatically paused for a specified period of time to protect the quality of phone numbers that have already used the template. Pause durations can vary as follows:

1st case of poor quality assessment: The template is paused for 3 hours

2nd Low Quality Evaluation Case: Template Paused for 6 Hours

3rd case of low quality classification: Template disabled

Similar to how it is paused automatically, a template reactivates itself once the respective pause periods are over. Once the pause is lifted, the template status changes to Active and businesses can start sending it again, with or without changes to the original template. Businesses will receive notifications about the status of their template throughout this process.

Differences between WhatsApp Business Platform Application and API

While free broadcasting through the WhatsApp Business app is undoubtedly good news, business owners should be aware that it comes with a series of limitations.

First of all, for users to receive your WhatsApp newsletter, your business number must be saved in their contact list. Also, the app can only be used on one mobile device (Android or iOS) and one desktop device, so it is impossible for multiple people to use it to interact with customers.

On the other hand, the WhatsApp Business Platform API allows you to connect multiple devices to your account, allowing more of your employees to respond to customer messages from anywhere. This is especially useful when it comes to running an advertising campaign or promotion.

Another potential downside to using the WhatsApp Business app for broadcasting is the limitation on the investors email lists number of people you can reach, as messages can only be sent in batches of 256 contacts at any given time. This isn’t necessarily a problem for small or local businesses, but brands looking to reach larger groups of people may not be too keen on the idea of ​​having to manually create multiple WhatsApp contact lists for each message sent.

On the other hand, as we mentioned before, WhatsApp Business Platform automatically grants each business account 1,000 free conversations per month, which allows them to send mass messages in the same way as an email newsletter.

In summary, while broadcasting through the WhatsApp Business app is free, it comes with a number of limitations that businesses interested in broadcasting should be aware of.