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a what are the phases of content creation?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:14 am
by Bappy12
Today I am here to talk to you about digital content . Right now, we are teaching the Digital Content Creation workshop, within our Femxa Summer School and, given the reception it is having, I thought it would be a good idea to address this topic for those of you who are interested in digital marketing and specifically in Content Marketing.

Over the years, we have witnessed how social media has demonstrated its potential to break down communication barriers. It places us in real time at key moments in our lives and has turned our way of relating to the world upside down. Companies have certainly not been left out and are living in an era where the consumer is the central axis of any marketing strategy; companies seek to attract their attention and turn them into ambassadors for their brand.

This is what has been called consumer empowerment and companies are at the mercy of the opinions that clients, consumers and the community in general have of them. Potential clients are no longer waiting for an eloquent speech from companies or brands to decide on their purchase. Now, the Internet is full of recommendations and evaluations of services and products. Consumers are looking for information, truthful and verified, provided or not by the company and if it is from the experience of other clients, much better. They want the truth and that is what they expect to be told, because they will immediately know if they have been told.

The key to this marketing strategy is content. But not just any content, but quality content that is useful and appropriate for the target audience and well distributed.

Focus on the target AUDIENCE . It is important to focus and know our target audience well in order to offer them content that is really worthwhile for them and for which they are willing to dedicate their most precious treasure, their time.
RESEARCH their interests, what they search for online and what we can address. Knowing and understanding the habits of our community will help us when choosing one type of content or another (videos, infographics, images, ebooks, guides...) and also on which social networks we are going to spread it.
CURATION : This involves searching for information on a topic, selecting the most colombia mobile phone numbers database relevant publications and enriching our own content with those third-party publications.
CREATIVITY : It is time to focus and define the idea we want to convey, the essential message.
COPYWRITING : the “art” of creating messages, whether plain text in an email, a sales page on a website, a headline in a magazine, a catalogue, etc., that induce a specific action. It is not enough to write well; we seek a reaction from the reader (to take them to the website, to an online store, etc.), therefore, it requires specific writing techniques.
DESIGN : image, text distribution, appropriate colours for communication, style… Good content with a poor layout or an unattractive graphic and visual image will quickly be discarded.
OPTIMIZATION : apply SEO techniques to position our content in search engines and adapt the content to each of the social networks where we are going to distribute it.
METRICS : If we don't measure our impact, we'll be a ship adrift. It's necessary to define the appropriate KPIs (key indicators) for each social network on which we publish.
There are many keys that we must touch to create content of sufficient value to be worth reading and sharing.

And you, do you create content and distribute it online? Do you master the art of copywriting?

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Category: Digital Marketing and ICT
Tags: digital marketing Content Marketing Digital Contents Copywriting social networks blogs content creation content marketing consumer free courses workshop creation phases