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Trust is made up of the following dimensions

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:32 am
by RafiRiFat336205
Credibility or honesty: is the belief that the other party will fulfill what was promised.
Benevolence: is the belief that the other party is interested in the other's well-being and joint gain.
Integrity: responds to the principles applied by the organization (for example maintaining confidentiality).
Perceived competence: is the ability and skill that the consumer perceives of the supplier to carry out a warranty transaction.
This last dimension becomes more relevant in the context of the Internet, since it is necessary for the consumer to perceive that the seller has the technical, financial and human resources to carry out the agreed transaction.

Building trust on the Internet To understand how trust is built on the Internet, we need to focus on one of the key factors that differentiates e-commerce from traditional commerce: the absence of a physical salesperson. The main implication of this is that on the Internet, customers will not be able to deal with sales personnel, so they will base their trust on the store (Jarvenpaa, Tractinsky, & Vitale, 2000), which is represented by the characteristics of the website and more specifically by its interface (Gefen, Straub, & Karahanna, 2003). This last statement has important consequences for online retailers when designing their websites.

From our point of view, on a theoretical level, the increased all mobile company name list in world with country importance of the interface in generating trust causes a concept to become very important: usability, defined as "the ease of learning to use the interface, the efficiency of the interface design, the ease with which users will be able to memorize the use of the interface, the reduction of errors and the general satisfaction with the interface." This axiom is considered by some authors to be a central concept for electronic commerce, both directly, on the intention to purchase, and indirectly, through trust and perceived usefulness.

Usability is important when it comes to generating a favourable image of the online retailer and in building trust in it, as it allows for the enhancement of both honesty - the seller is perceived in a more transparent way - and benevolence, making tangible the company's interest in adapting to the needs of its customers. This concept is directly related to the variable consumer satisfaction which in turn encourages trust in the seller's website. Likewise, usability encourages rapid learning by the customer who will be able to anticipate how the system will respond, allowing them to know what they can do on each website. To achieve this, the literature recommends the use of typical interfaces and the consideration in the design of web pages of the way in which the target audience will interact with it.