The elements of the structure of a narrative text

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The elements of the structure of a narrative text

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

But before telling you about the different types of narrative texts for companies, let's see what the elements of the structure of a good text are.

To begin with, it is important for you to know that corporate texts are structured in a very similar way to a story.

Pay attention to the history of the John Deere brand:

Narrative texts for companies - John Deere
It is a corporate text, but it is structured like a story, with an introduction, a development, a climax and a resolution.

Therefore, if you learn to create coherent and relevant stories for your audience, you will be able to create narrative texts for companies that work.

This structure mentioned above is not my own creation, it is called Freytag's pyramid and it will help you create both stories and narrative texts for your company.

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ADS illustration
Freytag's pyramid
What does it consist of?

You can see the outline in the image below and, in short, it is a simplified version of the elements of all stories: setting, triggering incident, climax and resolution .

It has a lot to do with the conflict we saw above, since without a strong triggering conflict or small difficulties along the way, you will not be able to keep the audience hooked.

Narrative texts for companies Freytag Pyramid
But how can this model be applied to corporate content or text?

Let's see it with a practical example of how an article is structured .

What every good writer knows is that you need to start with an introduction that hooks the reader and gives them that juicy point that helps them keep reading.

Typically, these will be a couple of lines that outline something about the solution you are going to offer or why your company has gotten to where it is or why what you offer is unique and original.

The main idea of ​​the text is developed below .

But not in any way, you must develop the idea by keeping certain “little mysteries” that are nothing other than those minor conflicts that advance the story, in this case, the reading.

Finally, comes the resolution , which in the case of narrative texts is nothing other than the solution to the problem we have posed or the exposition of the purpose of our piece.

If you look at it from this perspective, narrative texts and everyday stories seem very similar, right?

At their most basic level, if we boil them down to their essence, both stories and business copy email list canada are made up of the same parts:

An introduction that grabs the reader's attention.

A moment in which the main problem to be solved is introduced.

An exposition of the problem.

A final solution.

A conclusion that unifies everything.

In fact, the structure of informative texts has its own architecture that shares many similar aspects with Freytag's pyramid.
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