My favorite podcast, DoTheMATH , is turning 1 year old! The program, hosted by Marcel Ghiraldini , Fabiana Korte do Amaral Itzaina and Cassio Politi, brings a weekly conversation with incredible professionals talking about data applied in practice in some of the biggest and best companies in the country.
Among the more than 50 episodes published, I selected the ones I enjoyed the most to make this Top 5. It was hard! The list below is in no specific order: the only criterion was how much the chat brought me learning and inspiration.
1. Do you speak data? How to enter the analytics competition game
Rodrigo Caldoncelli Carvalho, MSc , Data and Analytics Superintendent and CDO at Getnet Brasil, talks about creating a culture of data democratization so that all areas of the company think about data and innovation. Rodrigo's team works as a data analytics hub, that is, a support structure for the areas that trains professionals and promotes a data-driven culture through connections between people.
Bonus : For those passionate about data, another unmissable episode is What is the ideal team to organize the path of data in companies?, a conversation with André Villamar , Head of Data, Analytics & DPO at Dexco and Lourenço de Paula , Growth Executive Director at MATH TECH.
2. How to prioritize innovation in Brazil?
In the inaugural episode of DoTheMATH, Pedro Waengertner , CEO of ACE Startups, talks about vietnam phone number example the power of NO in innovation. That's because prioritization is one of the most striking traits of truly innovative companies . A very open conversation covering limiting beliefs, technologies in search of a problem, sunk cost fallacy, agile methods, data versus narratives and much more (this episode Cássio let it become a good mess, thank goodness!)
3. How Yduqs breaks records in customer retention and acquisition
A lesson on using data to manage personalized journeys for a huge audience . I had the opportunity to work closely with Ana Luzia Silva , current Director of Recruitment at Yduqs, and the company's level of sophistication and maturity when it comes to marketing automation is incredible.
Bonus : for those interested in the education market, another unmissable episode is with Rafael Diniz , head of marketing at FECAF, with the theme Education for classes C and D supported by data . Inspiring!
4. Seven Deadly Sins of a Salesforce Project
A very dynamic conversation with Tiago Julien , Executive Director of MATH CRM, about what NOT to do in a CRM implementation. Of the 7 sins, I highlight: doing "Big Bang" implementations , that is, launching the project to all areas at once, regardless of the maturity level of each one; and Why some companies prefer to forgo alignment with all areas involved to speed up implementation.
Bonus : Following the line of errors in the use of technologies, another wonderful episode is The top ten errors in marketing automation strategies , a conversation with the Consulting Director of MATH MKT, Bruno Dihl Prolo , about this subject that I love so much, which is Marketing Automation!
5. Customer journey mapping and real CAC insight is possible
Magda Cani , Head of Growth at BV, talks about the bank's digital transformation process that began in 2014 and culminated in the development of an assisted attribution model , to attribute the result of each point of contact with the customer instead of just the last click and, as a bonus, improve the customer journey experience.
Top 5 Episodes of the DoTheMATH Podcast, by a MATHer
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