Going down you will find those that have less of a hold and therefore produce, more often than not, lower results. Having discovered what does not work, because what works should usually not be sweden phone number touched, we still follow Syed Balkhi's advice to improve the ranking of keywords. A first principle is not necessarily to aim for the first position .
This is because users do not always click on the first result offered to them but choose the one that gives the impression of being the best for what they need . Especially if you try to climb in the ranking for keywords where there is a lot of competition, it is easier to try to climb among the results of the first page rather than aiming directly to dethrone those who are at number 1.
Looking at keywords by their rankings also helps you find out if there are any that you are ranking for and driving traffic to your website without having covered them intentionally. You may find that people are finding your content but searching for slightly different things than you thought. Once you have identified what you need to work on, you need to get to work.
You have discovered that there are some keywords that are not doing their job, others you did not even know were working for you. What can you do now? Once you have identified the keywords that are not performing adequately for your needs, you need to find out where these keywords are located .
You will need to search your WordPress site for all the articles that deal with those keywords. The examination may allow you to discover that, for example, you are missing the mention of the keyword in the SEO title or in the description or you were not even careful when you customized the URL of the content.
URLs also influence keyword performance
Are Your Keywords Where They Need to Be? – sos-wp.it
Small technical details that, however, as you have been able to see, are putting a spoke in your wheels. Another thing to check is whether you have content that is too old and therefore no longer perceived by search engines as relevant. In this case, you can update it, beef up the content and modify it so that it is more in line with what users are now searching for online.
Website content decay is a problem that needs to be addressed and that, with a little bit of cunning, allows you to save time and not have to think of brand new content every time ( which, in turn, doesn't have to be a problematic activity ). To work on this slightly old content, and also to build new ones, you also need to know what users actually want.
It's about working on the famous search intent : the purpose for which people ask Google what people ask Google. In some cases the presence of specific terms helps to understand what the purpose is, in other situations a way to know what users want is to simulate searches .