Social media influencers can make or break your marketing plan. Having a comprehensive list of influencers in your industry means “brand awareness,” engagement, legitimacy, and trust. If Seth Godin saw this article and tweeted it to his 572,000 Twitter followers, what could we expect?
A huge influx of traffic to the article, thus increasing its organic reach and (probably) SEO ranking.
Increased awareness of myself as an individual and LaFabriqueduNet as a brand. Traffic generated to the blog would lead to subsequent comments and social shares.
Increased trust in me as an individual and LaFabriqueduNet as a brand. Even if they don't know me, they trust Seth, and if he trusts me, it's for a huge proportion of his subscribers.
And this works for every industry. Every industry has thought leaders who people look to for inspiration, leadership, and who “tell them what’s important.”
Rate social influencers
There are three ways to rate your influencers:
#1. Context : Does this person fit my brand? Sure, Lady Gaga may spain whatsapp data have more than a few followers on social media, but if she’s promoting your SEO consulting business, will any of them care?
#2. Reach : Does this person have a network that would be valuable for me to reach? This can be the size of the network, but also the passion of this network for the subject. This score can also be increased based on the expertise of the influencer or the esteem in which they are held in the sector.
#3. Actionable : Will this person share my content? Are they receptive to communication or closed off and, despite their network, anti-social?
Identifying influencers through social media
Search by hashtag or identify hashtags used by your target influencers.
Put your influencers in a Twitter list so you can organize and track them most effectively.
Look at influencers’ retweets to determine how “actionable” their engagement may be.
Look at their activity. How do they engage with their followers? Do they share other people’s content? How often? And, what seems to be the response?
Identify influencers using tools
landing page buzzsumo
Find influencers through search. Analyze and filter them by reach, authority, influence, and engagement. Follow directly on the platform and add them to Twitter lists. Track their activity (what they share, how often, and where).