WAKE UP!: You have an e-mail

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WAKE UP!: You have an e-mail

Post by sohanuzzaman56 »

It is estimated that around 10 million mobile phones in Spain are " Smartphones" . If some 8-9 years ago having a mobile phone was a luxury/fashion for some (especially those who used it for non-professional purposes), nowadays, having a high-end mobile device (with N megapixel camera, internet connection, mp3 and video player, etc.) is almost a commodity .


We are not going to go into the reasons why bc data indonesia smartphones are succeeding, but rather the correct use that users give them and, in turn, with companies that, in my opinion, are not taking full advantage of these uses.

As for uses, users are increasingly finding it easier to check their email, update their social networks, upload photos to their online hard drive, check the favorable (or not) opinions about the restaurant they just found, etc. These uses, although still in the growth and immaturity phase, are becoming more and more extensive.

On the other hand, how are companies taking advantage of this? There are cases where, for example, they adapt their websites to the browsers of these Smartphones, but there are other cases where, either through ignorance or by not being careful, they "harm" these users with their usual practices prior to the arrival of these devices.

Have you ever received an automatic email with offers/discounts in the middle of the night? I say middle of the night to be polite, but sometimes it doesn't. Getting an email with the latest news at 4:30 in the morning (presumably to be read when you get to work) is not optimal at all. As we said, practices are changing.

Waking up to the sound of “new email” at that hour is not good at all (and I’m not even talking about it on a weekend). It creates a negative image of the company that doesn’t correspond to reality… but it does create one!

I say, wouldn't it be more effective to plan these mass mailings at more optimized times? Of course, a marketing profile will always tell me yes. Another more commercial or technical profile might give me some reasons why these mailings are justified... I'd like to hear them
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