Today we interview one of Femxa's tutors, Chema García Seijo , who specializes in distance learning and also works as a Content Coordinator and Community Manager in the Marketing department of Grupo Femxa . If you want to know what the advantages of online courses are and their dynamics, we bring you the exclusive interview. And if you don't have time to read it, don't worry, you can listen to it in podcast format wherever you want.
Interview conducted by Sara Nuñez Muñoz
Good morning Femxians, today we are with José María García, tutor and marketing technician at Femxa. Good morning Josema.
Good morning, I prefer you to call me Chema, all my social networks are with Chema and that is a bit of the digital image I have.
Well Chema, tell us a little about what you do in the company.
Well, I came here as a teacher, I am a specialist in distance learning, I have been a distance learning teacher for almost ten years . The first job I had was as a distance learning teacher in courses for workers and self-employed people in Catalonia, last year.
Is this your first year at Femxa?
No, this is my second year. I was a teacher and content author for e-learning in 2016, and since August 2017 I have been in a second stage as a Marketing technician.
How have you seen yourself in your work as a teacher?
I really like the relationship with the students, and the possibilities that distance learning gives us to develop content and adapt to the needs of each person.
What do you think is the best thing about distance learning?
Well, for me it's personalization . A face-to-face course tends to homogenize the content so that it's the same for everyone, and depending on the profile of the person you have, for some it may be advanced content and for others it may be very basic. However, in distance learning, the content is the same for everyone, but depending on the needs and personal communication by phone, email or forums, both the knowledge and the specific materials that each student needs at certain times can be adapted.
e-learning infographic
Do you find feedback to be much more personal?
Of course, the possibilities of the tools provided by the e-learning platform are important for that, you get in touch when they need it , regardless of whether there are communications that all students see in the forums or chats.
If you want to know some of the tools that are used, I recommend this post about the use of tablets in the classroom
How are classes and exams usually divided?
There are no predefined classes , but there may be some through chats, video conferences, webinars... They are organized to cover something specific about the course, and depending on the feedback, that session can be extended.
The exams are multiple choice, they are done on the platform and the number of attempts and the time limit (usually 1 hour) are specified. At the end, the platform itself gives the grade and tells you what you failed at and why.
Are these types of calls very successful?
Yes, especially for workers, given the flexibility of the training. It is easier to follow the course , you do not have to travel and the platforms operate 24 hours a day.
Is it necessary to work a minimum number of hours a day?
Yes, you have to set aside some hours of connection, but there is no set schedule . However, there is a schedule for student support when the tutor is available, although there is no mandatory communication.
Are there group classes?
Chats and video conferences would be group classes, although they are not used in all courses.
Do you offer courses specifically for Catalonia?
The latter was for Catalonia, but I have done training for other regions, sectors, and also scheduled training for companies… The teaching profile I have covered is quite broad.
Do you think community-specific courses are better than general ones?
It depends more on funding, because the courses are free for the student. There is a fee in the payrolls for training, and with that money the public bodies finance these courses. Therefore, whether it is regional or state-run does not influence the pedagogical dynamics , but rather the organisation of the course.
Learn more about what a sector is and what sector you belong to
Is content creation more complex than in face-to-face classes?
Normally the content is given to the tutor, he/she develops it and creates other complementary content (especially for use in forums and to share ideas)
My post responded to a company need at a key moment to manage social media and usa mobile phone numbers database the content creation team for Marketing. At Grupo Femxa, the strategy is divided into two: Corporate marketing aimed at companies and, on the other hand, the dissemination of courses. We have an email marketing strategy linked to a database, and to expand that database, we work with the creation of downloadable content , e-books, articles for the Blog, and social networks.
So you started as a Community Manager
Yes, right now I am a Community Manager for corporate social networks and in charge of Content Marketing.
Many people talk about good and bad marketing, the kind that deceives people and the “white” kind. How do you see it?
There are always controversial techniques, but I like to see it as something global. Normally we always link Marketing to advertising and the attempt to “woo” the client towards what the company is looking for. We have to change that tendency and think globally , that is only one part. Marketing starts from the moment a product is designed, to whom it is directed, what components it has, how it is going to be marketed… and the last part is the promotion, advertising and dissemination, which is the one that has the most visibility for everyone, but it is only one part.
What skills do you think a good Marketing Manager should have?
The company must be in the forefront of their mind. By this I mean that they must not only know how to sell, but also know how to relate to the rest of the company and know the product very well. They must start from a commercial and design vision and make the company see how important it is to have all the departments involved and to have the maximum amount of information so as not to “make a mistake” in the dissemination (to know how to transmit to the market what the company wants).
What Social Media Marketing strategies have you established?
They change, but the basics are what I mentioned before, differentiating between the dissemination of corporate courses, branding and brand image . At Femxa we have two websites: and , based on that we try to differentiate the posts to reach a different audience.
Finally, is there any advertising marketing campaign that has left its mark on you?
I really liked one that came out years ago, it's a digital campaign that was on TV a lot. It was a "fake video" that no one really knew what it was and it was called "I love Laura." There were some young Catholics dancing and singing. At first, we couldn't understand anything, but then we found out it was an MTV promotion. The truth is that they did it very well because they fooled the whole country for quite a while.