The name ‘Multi-touch’ certainly gives the impression that this dashboard should show all of the campaigns that an Opportunity has, at some point, touched. So, why aren’t 'First Touch', 'Last Touch', 'Even Distribution' models showing?
The answer is, the dashboard is created in “Default mode” and you may not have enabled ‘Additional Campaign Influence Models’.
To get you started (or fixed!) on the best foot, let’s run through ecuador phone numbers the steps for setting up and using Campaign Influence in the B2B Marketing Analytics app.
using Salesforce Leads and Opportunities, that you’ve enabled Connected Campaigns, and have a campaign hierarchy in place. This way you can get the most out of Salesforce Campaign Influence.
How to set up Salesforce Campaign Influence
In Salesforce navigate to ‘Setup’ and in the search bar type ‘Campaign Influence’, then select ‘Campaign Influence Settings'.
Screenshot of campaign influence settings in salesforce
2. You will be taken to the settings page, where you can enable ‘Campaign Influence’ and ‘Additional Campaign Influence’ models. Click ‘Enable’ for both to measure and report on multiple campaigns that have influenced a single Opportunity, then click ‘Save’. A popup message should appear informing you that Salesforce is recalculating Campaign Influence. Once this is done, you can update the new settings on this page.
Screenshot of campaign influence settings
3. Next, access ‘Model Settings’ - this is where we edit the default ‘Primary So