What is the product that will compete with yours?

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What is the product that will compete with yours?

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

companies that sell similar products or that are creating content that will compete with yours.
Review the results in depth: analyze your competition with SEMrush, visit the websites and social media of the companies on your list, especially those that rank high.
Visit your competitors' companies in person whenever possible - you're sure to get some interesting ideas!
It is about obtaining answers to these questions:

How much does it cost?
Does your product improve the existing one?
What distribution channels do your competitors use?
What are your social networks like?
What works for them and what doesn't?
In addition to benchmarking , you can collect other public information about the market, such as email list france demographic or socio-economic data.

3.- Analyze the information
Once you have collected the information, you need to process the data and analyze the results.

Summarize the main findings of your research.

What have you learned about your potential client?

Through research, you will know much more about your buyer persona and how to focus your product and message.

Hopefully you've gained some ideas for improvement that you can use in developing your product to make it more competitive.

Secondary research on the market and the competition will have helped you define the strengths and weaknesses of your product and give you a fairly good idea of ​​your chances of success.

With all the information you must carry out a SWOT analysis that reflects your current situation and write a report with the main conclusions.

We have seen market research from an informal point of view.

The formal process can be much more complex and will certainly provide more information, but it is also much more expensive.

The main advantage of being personally involved in designing your own market research is how much you can learn about your customer, your product and the market.

Also, as we have seen in the post, the Internet makes it easy for you!

Do you dare to design your own market research? Tell us in the comments of the post how it went.
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