Playing in the sand

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Playing in the sand

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

Playing in the sand
In the sandbox or at the beach, have children use cups and molds of different sizes to see how much sand each can hold.

Combining length, weight and volume
Understanding how length, weight, and volume interact can lead to filipino phone number a more complete grasp of measurement. Here are some activities that incorporate these concepts:

Build a ship
Challenge children to build a boat using materials like aluminum foil, straws, and tape. They need to consider length and weight to create a boat that can float and hold a certain volume of cargo, such as coins or marbles.

DIY Science Experiments
Have the children design an experiment to test how the volume of a container affects its weight when it is filled with different substances, such as water, sand, or rice.

Measuring and mixing
Provide recipes that require preci
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